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About Us

Welcome to Take Heart, a Christian clothing brand inspired by the timeless message of hope, resilience, and unwavering faith found in John 16:33. Our brand name, Take Heart, reflects the profound promise that Jesus shared with His disciples during a moment of uncertainty and tribulation: "I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! For I have overcome the world."

At Take Heart, we believe that faith should be more than a mere belief; it should be a way of life, a source of strength, and a beacon of hope. We strive to encapsulate the essence of this message in every piece of clothing we create, allowing you to wear your faith with pride and purpose.

Take Heart was founded by Riley, a dedicated follower of Christ whose journey of faith has been marked by a deep conviction to share the message of hope, even in the face of life's challenges. Riley's story is a testament to the transformative power of faith and the inspiration drawn from John 16:33.

Our Mission:

Our mission at Take Heart is to empower believers to share their faith through fashion. We aim to create clothing that not only speaks to the heart but also inspires conversations and connections among individuals who share a common belief in Christ. We want to remind you that you are never alone in your journey of faith and that, despite the challenges of this world, you can take heart, knowing that Jesus has already overcome all obstacles.

Community and Connection:

At Take Heart, we're more than just a clothing brand; we're a community of believers who come together to encourage, uplift, and support one another. We invite you to connect with us through our website, social media platforms, and events. Share your stories, your faith journey, and your Take Heart clothing moments. Let's build a community that embodies the message of John 16:33 in our lives.

Picture of Riley Adkisson, the founder and creator of Take Heart Brand. Riley loves Jesus and wants to help people wear their faith in Jesus proudly.

Inspiration Behind the Designs:

Our designs draw inspiration from the Bible, Christian symbolism, and contemporary aesthetics. We believe that faith can be expressed in diverse and meaningful ways, and our clothing collections reflect this diversity. From bold statements to subtle reminders, each design seeks to encapsulate the essence of Christian faith and values.

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